Digitally enabled social district renovation

processes for age-friendly environments driving social innovation and local economic development

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About drOp project

The core ambition of drOp, a Horizon Europe project, is the development of an integrated renovation methodology (IRM) aiming to transform social housing districts into inclusive smart neighbourhoods.

It mainly aims to promote social innovation and boost the local economy, and with that purpose drOp will adopt a human-centred approach, will integrate innovative technologies and will explore the growth creation potential of cultural and creative industries.

Latest resources

Co-creation as a means to achieve smart and inclusive neighbourhoods

Latest news and events

27 -

[Webinar] Empowering Local Action: Training for Urban Regeneration


Unlocking the potential of co-governance: the experience of the Santa Ana Neighbourhood

[Webinar] Co-Governance in Action: Insights and Lessons from Ermua’s Experience

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Meet the cities

Improving social housing
City of Ermua, Spain
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Inspiring through culture
City of Matera, Italy
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Going digital
City of Elva, Estonia
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An Affordable Housing Initiative demonstrator